Service Description

Cayoo Cloud Applications

1. Provision of the standard services

With the Cayoo Cloud application (hereinafter referred to as "Cayoo"), SOPHIA GmbH & Co.KG provides the customer with standard services, the content and scope of which are set out in the following service description, with the availability specified in clause 6. Cayoo is ready for operation when SOPHIA GmbH & Co.KG has notified the customer of the activation (access to a functioning Cayoo platform).

2. Power transfer point and functionalities of Cayoo

2.1 Power transfer point

The transfer point for software use is the router output of the data centre used by SOPHIA GmbH & Co. KG to the Internet. The customer himself must take care of the connection of the customer to the Internet, the provision or maintenance of the network connection to the computer centre as well as the procurement and provision of network access components for the Internet on the part of the customer. This is not part of the use of the software.

2.2 Functionalities of Cayoo

User administration

  • Create, modify, delete users
  • Assign, modify, delete different user roles
  • Assign, modify, delete teams


Verwaltung von SOPs

  • Erstellen, Verändern, Kopieren, Löschen
  • Strukturieren der SOP’s in Sammlungen
  • Versionierung der SOPs; Vorherige SOPs werden als alte Version gespeichert und können bei Bedarf immer abgerufen und wiederhergestellt werden.



Jede Änderung im SOP Verzeichnis wird erfasst und lässt sich genau zurückverfolgen. So wissen Sie immer genau, wer wann woran gearbeitet hat.
Freigabe / Veröffentlichung von SOPs: SOPs durchlaufen vor der Veröffentlichung an die autorisierten Nutzer einen „Approval“ Prozess. Nach der Bearbeitung / Erstellung einer SOP muss ein dazu autorisierter Nutzer die SOP erst für die Veröffentlichung freigeben.


SOP Freigabe

Andere Kliniken können Ihnen SOPs freigeben. Sie können diese SOPs bei Bedarf direkt in Ihr eigenes SOP Verzeichnis kopieren. Umgekehrt können Sie natürlich ebenfalls SOPs für andere Kliniken freigeben.



Cayoo beinhaltet einen eigenen Cloud Speicher. Dateien in diesem Speicher können beliebig mit SOPs verknüpft werden (bspw. PDF, Bilder, Word Dokumente etc.).
Nutzung der kostenlosen Apps auf mobilen Endgeräten und Verknüpfung mit der Cayoo SOP Datenbank; Aktualisierung der Endgeräte. Die Apps sind in den jeweiligen offiziellen App-Stores kostenlos verfügbar (Google Play, iTunes Store).

3. access authorisation

When using Cayoo for the first time, the customer must generate a user ID and a password himself, which are required for the further use of Cayoo. The client is obliged to keep the user ID and password secret and not to make them accessible to third parties.

4. Data protection


SOPHIA GmbH & Co.KG secures the customer data by a daily backup procedure of the complete database on a suitable backup medium with a restore time of up to 30 days. In addition, maximum redundancy is ensured by continuous versioning and backup of the data within the database of the Cayoo system. A deletion of the client data takes place after termination of the contract upon written request of the client.


Not included in the contractual scope of services is the longer-term data backup serving to comply with archiving obligations, e.g. of a commercial or tax nature, for which the customer is responsible unless the customer concludes a separate contract with SOPHIA GmbH & Co. KG for this purpose.

5. Customer requirements for the provision of services


Cayoo is accessed via telecommunications. The requirements for using Cayoo are:

  • Broadband internet access
  • PC with Windows 10
  • For apps: current Android (from version 4.4.4 (API20)), iOS (from 10.3)
  • For the web platform: latest version of Google Chrome in each case

Important: Systems and / or software not included in this list may be supported by Cayoo and the Cayoo Apps.


The provision of these prerequisites as well as the telecommunication services including the transmission services from the service transfer point to the devices used by the customer are not the subject of this contract, but are the responsibility of the customer.


Data sharing by the customer

Should the customer use the data release option to share his data, he is obliged to provide only meaningful data that has been carefully checked to the best of his knowledge and belief. SOPHIA GmbH & Co. KG assumes no guarantee or liability for the quality of the customer data provided.

6. Availability

6.1 Reference

The availability refers exclusively to the Cayoo functionalities described in clause 2.

6.2 Availability

SOPHIA GmbH & Co. KG shall make available to the customer the functionalities of Cayoo referred to in clause 2 during the system runtime named below, but excluding the periods of planned unavailability contractually agreed in clause 8.

6.3 System runtime

24 hours / day and 365 days / year with 98 % system availability.

The system runtime is composed of the times of available use and unavailability. The available use includes the times during which the functionalities can be used:

The available use also includes the following periods during

  • disruptions in or due to the condition of the infrastructure not provided by SOPHIA GmbH & Co. KG or its vicarious agents;
  • disruptions or other events not caused by SOPHIA GmbH & Co. KG or one of its vicarious agents, for example exceeding the threshold values according to clause 7.3;
  • insignificant reduction of the suitability for contractual use

Unavailability exists if the agreed functionalities are otherwise not usable.

7. Planned unavailability

7.1 Planned unavailability

SOPHIA GmbH & Co. KG is entitled outside the scheduled unavailability to maintain and service the software and/or hardware systems and to carry out data backups. Planned unavailabilities outside the times stated must be agreed with the customer in text form (email) or by telephone. In the event of important reasons, the customer shall not unreasonably withhold its consent.

7.2 Usage in times of planned unavailability

If and to the extent that the customer can use Cayoo in times of planned unavailability, there is no legal claim to this. If the use of Cayoo in times of planned unavailability results in a reduction or cessation of performance, the customer shall in particular have no claim to warranty or damages.

About us

"The Communication Assistant for you – online and offline" or simply Cayoo for short. I specialise in the creation, editing and distribution of content in clinics.


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